Pao School students participate in Internship and Job-shadowing

Date:January 23,2017
Author:YK Pao School
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 Pao School students participate in Internship and Job-shadowing

Twenty YK Pao School Year 9 and 10 students participated in the 2nd Christmas season of Parents As Partners (PAP) internship/job-shadowing program during the Christmas holidays.

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We are grateful for the generosity of YK Pao School parents as well as the following businesses and organizations for providing our students such valuable opportunities at 1MuTian Organic Farm, Baozun Commerce, Inc.,, International Channel Shanghai (ICS), Llinks Law Offices and Zhongou Asset Management Co., Ltd. Through PAP, students were able to broaden their horizons, explore potential careers and gain some hands-on, real world learning experience.


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The following are some of our students' reflections on the program. To learn more about their internship/job-shadowing experiences, please visit the International Office blog at:

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I learned how to draw some easy patterns using Photoshop. My teacher was doing a new software design. She and her friends had trouble with something. I was not only a good listener but also gave good feedback on how I would feel about this kind of communication software as a customer. She felt that some of my suggestions were useful. I now understand what it means to work as a team.


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I'm very happy about the experience and the new knowledge that I've gained. Over the course of the week, I learned many skills related to advertising graphic design, and how to use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. It was an unforgettable experience, and also changed my views on designing.


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The place was so large that we couldn’t see all of it. We found a lot of things that we'd never seen before. We kept finding ourselves saying: “That’s how they grow? That’s fantastic!" Now I know that tomatoes grow in nutritive cubes, carrots cannot be re-planted after being pulled out, and the cauliflower’s fruit is hidden deep in its big leaves.


I was focusing on this advertisement for an entire day. At first, it was really hard for me to do this because there are so many keyboard shortcuts to remember, but my teammates were all friendly and helpful. I'm glad to have met them, and I've made some great friends.


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I did an interview with a lawyer and learned a lot about the profession. Actually, to be a lawyer, it's absolutely important to not only be very knowledgeable, but also be very healthy physically.


(From Venessa Zhao, International Department Officer)