The high art of improvisation

Date:January 23,2017
Author:YK Pao School
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The high art of improvisation

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On February 29, singer Megan Thomas and guitarist Tom Ollendorff of the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama presented a jazz improvisation and composition workshop for YK Pao School’s Secondary Division students. The group was led by the college’s assistant director Zoë Smith.

The workshop featured practical tools for correct improvisation and emphasised the core elements of good composition.


In addition to an excellent performance of two jazz standards, Thomas and Ollendorff guided the students from the Pao School’s Jazz Band through a lovely rendition of ‘Autumn Leaves’ in which each student successfully improvised a verse!


Experiences such as these are important for Pao School’s young musicians as any moment of great value could potentially serve as a catalyst for change in a student’s life.


This visit was made possible thanks to the tireless efforts of the school’s founders and staff to provide students with exposure to such outstanding guest artists.