YK Pao School Gives Thanks!

Date:January 23,2017
Author:YK Pao School
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YK Pao School Gives Thanks! 


In honor of Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 13, 2014, the YK Pao School Foundation organized a very special ceremony, inviting over 30 business leaders from Shanghai and Hong Kong as well as their children to Pao School.



Our donors were also in attendance for the unveiling of our campus facilities: the Persistence Fitness Center (by Mr. KT Chao), Vincent Woo Multi-Function Room (by Vincent and Lily Woo Trust), Francis Yuen Pottery Room (by Mr. and Mrs. Francis Yuen), and the Shao Qing Music Room (by Mr. and Mrs. Ian Li). At the ceremony, our guests shared their career strategies which span several generations, as well as their personal experiences and insight on life, speaking on what it means to be successful and instilling in our students the true meaning of hard work, perseverance, diligence and prudence.



Our secondary students also gave thanks in their own special way. In addition to performing the school anthem for the first time, the school choir also performed a wonderful selection of songs in English alongside our orchestra.

Students demonstrated their understanding of traditional Chinese culture and expressed their thanks by dressing up in traditional Han clothing,performing Chinese calligraphy and reciting “Quince” from the Book of Poetry.During a panel session with our guests, our student representatives were natural, poised, intelligent, and completely exemplary of Pao School’s Whole Person Education. One particular highlight was Year 10’s Tracy, who reprised her recent performance on the televised competition program HOST-OFF to thunderous applause.



An entrepreneurship exhibition was also held on campus to celebrate the careers of ten entrepreneurs from Shanghai and Hong Kong, as wellas the family spirit that has continued throughout the generations. We hope their stories will inspire our students to be persistent and chase their dreams. The exhibition is currently ongoing, and all students and parents are welcome to attend.


(From Lanco Ke)