Pao School celebrates graduation of Primary Division students

Date:June 26,2017
Author:YK Pao School
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Five years in Primary Division passed in a flash, the students all grew up so fast.



Luxuriant foliage is blooming on the Pao School campus as spring turns to summer. In this picturesque setting, Year 5 students bid farewell to the Primary Division.


Fond memories that will always be with us


At the end of five years here, Pao School has become a part of these students. Their shadows are in every corner of the school.


Paintings by Primary Division graduates


Recalling her many happy moments at Pao School, Year 5B student Yici says that whole-person education has had a profound impact on her development. ‘Pao School doesn't just focus on academics, it nurtures our body and mind', she says. During the graduation ceremony, she recalled one of her most joyful experiences at Pao School.



When she was a Year 2 student, she was chosen to raise the flag in the morning. Initially, she hesitated to take this responsibility. She didn't believe she would be able to raise the flag in front of all the teachers and her classmates. To help her overcome her fear, her homeroom teacher asked every student to give her one word of encouragement and a loving hug. Imbued with positive energy from her classmates' kindness, she stepped up to the flag stage and raised the flag high.



Students reciting 'Harvest Year'


In the graduation video, students speak sincerely about life at Pao School. The video shows many happy moments from the past five years.



Graduation Video - Youku

Graduation Video - Youtube



Looking forward to discovering ourselves in the future


While the Primary Division experience is coming to a close, Pao students are looking forward to the future.




Graduates receiving their graduation certificates from the two Primary Division executive principals 


Almost all of them will begin Secondary Division life on the new Hongqiao campus. Graduating Year 5 students will be the pioneers of the Hongqiao campus, said Pao School co-founder Philip Sohmen.

As pioneers, you will face difficulties, but you will also get a lot out of it, because you will be creating a new culture and atmosphere on our Hongqiao campus. You will be helping to shape that campus. I am confident you will be able to handle this challenge well.


For those students who are leaving Pao School, Philip Sohmen wished them well in their future studies and reminded them that they will be always belong to the Pao School family - that they will be ambassadors for the school.


Your actions and behaviour will represent our school.




Primary Division Executive Principal Mike Spencer encouraged the graduates to better understand themselves, and to learn about their own preferences and objectives. That will help you to achieve happiness, he told the students. He concluded his speech by quoting Confucius, the great Chinese philosopher and sage.

Wherever your road takes you, wherever you go, go with all your heart. Good luck!




Musical performances by Primary Division students


Congratulations to all the Primary Division graduates! Pao School is proud of your outstanding achievements and wishes you the best in your future endeavours!