Pao TREEMAN robotics team wins technology championship

Date:May 29,2018
Author:YK Pao School
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With the rapid development of advanced technology, we are becoming familiar with terms like 'artificial intelligence', 'machine learning', 'big data' and 'cloud computing'. As part of its emphasis on developing hands-on skills in students, YK Pao School encourages the study of STEM, both in and outside the classroom. One group of students has a particularly strong passion for science and technology, especially robots. They call themselves the 8515 TREEMAN robotics team.


From 5-6 May, the Treeman robotics team competed in the Shanghai 2018 FIRST Technology Challenge (FTC) competition against more than 40 other teams. The team of Pao students performed admirably, winning the 'Inspire Award' and the 'Grand Prize Second Place Alliance'. 


Ashley    Ben    Charlie    Daniel    David(Y9)    

David(Y10)   Kevin    Michael    Olina    Yvonne



First Tech Challenge, a.k.a. FTC, is organized by FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology). It is among the world's premier robot events, and always attracts a great deal of global attention, especially from top universities.

The Inspire Award is regarded as FTC's top award. This award is given to the team that embodies the ‘challenge’ of the FIRST Tech Challenge program. The team that receives this award is an exemplary ambassador for FIRST programs.



Under the guidance of teachers and mentors from Pao School's ICT department and Ivy Maker, the TREEMAN team developed 4 versions of high-performance robots over the course of many months. The TREEMAN team decided to enter into the competition a complete design robot prototype with a special semi closed chassis. It is equipped with gyroscopes and a series of detectors, which made the robot's shell firm and stable, and the automation process effortless. At the same time, the robot's modular design ensures it has excellent maneuverability.



Judges were greatly impressed with the TREEMAN team's robot. Compared to other robots in the competition, the Pao students' robot showcased more innovative design and performed better live; the excellence of the students' engineering work was clear. It was also evident to the judges that Pao students were outstanding team players who presented themselves as consummate professionals. 



During the awards ceremony, the chief judge commented:

“ It is the first time this team has taken part in FTC, but they have done well in every aspect of the competition, from the robot's structure, function, appearance and programming to project management, the engineering notebook, outreach activities, and the spread of FIRST culture. At the same time, they are enthusiastic, courteous, dignified and professional, showcasing the true spirit of FIRST. They are 8515 Treeman! ”



It was a long road for the TREEMAN team to reach and excel in the FIRST competition. One of the key reasons they did so well in the competition is that Pao School places a strong emphasis on STEM in its curriculum. Students have ample opportunity to study subjects like computer science and mechanical engineering directly applicable to robotics. They can also participate in co-curricular activities that allow them to expand on their STEM interests. For instance, every Tuesday and Thursday the TREEMAN team meets to share ideas and deepen their knowledge of robotics.



Said Jason, the Head of ICT Secondary:

"I am so proud of the students. Their achievement in the competition represents a high level of learning and innovation in robotics, design and programming. Many thanks to colleagues both in and outside of the school for your support and help."



Meanwhile, team captain David said:" Programming and robot design have sharpened my analytical thinking skills, and also urged me to solve practical problems." Other team members, such as Ben and Charlie, Ashley, and Kevin, all said that the Treeman project allows them to pursue a passion that goes beyond the classroom. It's a chance to explore, innovate and grow together, they said.



What Pao students learn today is of great importance to tomorrow's China. Academic learning is important, but so is developing hands-on skills, maintaining excellent physical fitness and cultivating important character traits. With that in mind, Pao School has from the onset dedicated itself to whole-person education, so that Pao students will become passionate and responsible citizens for the 21st century. Once again, let's congratulate 8515 Treemen and wish them the best as they head to the China Open Tournament in June.