Spring beckons as Pao students start a new semester

Date:February 10,2023
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As we welcome the new year, everyone at Pao School is excited to return to normality for

the spring semester. We welcome the teachers and students back to our dearly missed 

campus. Our students are remarkable. In the past year, we overcame numerous difficulties 

and accomplished more than we could ever have imagined. Now, as we look forward to 

the new year, I hope that students will cherish the present while improving for the future 

- always remembering to keep the country close to their hearts at the same time as 

developing their global perspectives and knowledge.


                                                                                               —— Xu Yongchu, President

As the new year rings in a sense of new beginnings and renewal, the long-quiet campus of Pao School has awoken once again. This week, across all three campuses, the students have returned to welcome a new semester. In order to ensure a smooth reopening of the campus, staff have worked diligently over the past few weeks on logistical preparations, alongside preparations such as training on school bus safety, food preparation, and property management.

At 7:30am, as the school day officially started, students began pouring into the school – first stopping to have their temperature taken and to to disinfect their hands before entering campus. After a long time away, everyone was happy to reunite, with teachers and school leaders waiting at the school gate to greet everyone.

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Primary School

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Middle School

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High School

“I do hope the new Year of the Rabbit has started well for you and your families. It was excellent seeing all our students return to the campus at the start of this week," says Mark Bishop, Executive Headmaster, sharing his well-wishes with the entire Pao School community. Mr. Bishop was also pleased to note that all teachers are now healthy and back on campus.

The feeling of back-to-school excitement was shared by the parents, with Y4C Elisa’s dad explaining that his family is relieved that parents are now able to take a rest and the children are now able to play with one another again. Meanwhile, Y5E Emma and Y3C Nolan’s dad echoed this sentiment, explaining that social interactions are very important for children’s development and that it is exciting the students can now have a “full experience” at school.

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Primary School

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Middle School

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High School