15 Year Anniversary | Celebrating our Community’s Memories

Date:November 04,2022
Author:YK Pao School
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Fifteen years ago, in 2007, Pao School took its first steps on the road to “A School for Tomorrow's China.” Since then, the school has evolved in many ways, anchored in the tireless efforts of founders Professor Anna Sohmen Pao, Executive Deputy Chairman Philip Sohmen, and Deputy Chairman Tan Fuyun, as well as the support and trust of students, parents, and the wider Pao School community.

Over the years, members of the Pao School community have experienced many cherished memories together. For the school’s 15 Year Anniversary, to celebrate these special moments, parents have shared those they hold most dear:

A Quilt for Pao School’s Fifth Anniversary

Contributed by: Julia Liu, Alumni parent 

Mother of Ashley and Crystal (both attended Pao School 2007-2017)

In early 2012, as the school’s fifth anniversary approached, there was much discussion about how to celebrate this important milestone. One suggestion was to make a quilt, which would represent the profound ties that bind the Pao School community together.

Prior to this, I had no previous experience quilting, so it was quite a big project for me. Alongside making the quilt, I had to organise a ceremony to donate the quilt to the school. I had less than one month to complete this important task, so I recruited a team to work on it. At the same time, we needed also to collect fabric, create designs, and weave the quilt.

Even today, I am amazed that we managed to accomplish this challenging task. Fortunately, with the strong support and participation of the parents, not only did we hit our target, but we also completed three additional pieces for the quilt. 

This activity brought the Pao School community closer together. The quilt itself is a representation of the love parents have for their children and the unwavering support they provide to the school and its founders. With such a tight-knit community, it is no wonder that Pao School has seen such success.

Today, looking at photos from those days, I am filled with fond memories. Though busy and challenging, it was the best of times. After finishing the quilt, we presented it as a gift it at the fifth anniversary ceremony to the founders and school leadership as a reminder that while the road ahead is long and winding, the future is bright.

12 Unforgettable Years at Pao School

Contributed by: Liu Lixin, Alumni parent 

Mother of Sam (attended Pao School 2009-2021). Sam is now attending Tufts University.

At the end of 2008, we were searching for a school for Sam. We heard from a friend of a new school with a different teaching philosophy, that had physical education classes and focused on whole-person education. After speaking with the founding principal of the school, Mr. Warren Johnston, we decided to apply and felt very fortunate when Sam was accepted.

First day of school 

On the first day of school in September 2009, we brought Sam to the school playground, there Principal Johnston took his hand to take him to join Class D. After the first day of school, we asked Sam about how it went. He said that the lunch was delicious and that he had eaten 12 dumplings. Sam has been enthusiastic about Pao School ever since.

In Year 2 and 3, Sam was taught mathematics by Ms. Lucy Lu, who we will always remember due to her genuine care for the children. Sam has always been a lively and imaginative child, and as parents we often worried about his self-discipline. During Parent-Teacher Days, we were always very nervous, and so didn’t expect to hear many good things about Sam from Ms. Lu. However, she told us Sam enjoyed maths, is smart, a quick learner, and often asks follow-up questions in class. Her words made us feel very happy and relieved, our confidence in Sam increased and we were able to view his development more objectively.

Sam and his classmates at Wuding campus

Sam's 12 years at Pao School not only shaped his life for the better, but also had a positive impact on myself and Sam’s father. When my husband is not working, he finds time to play a leading role in the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), including supervising cultural and sports hygiene, advising Songjiang campus’ infirmary on waste disposal procedures and supporting the school cafeteria’s food supply chain on behalf of other parents. He also discusses business management concepts and participates in football games, off-campus excursions and serves as a non-staff doctor on the PTA’s cycling team.

Sam together with Sarah Magnussen Link, University and Career Counsellor

Sam’s time at Pao School was one of the most impactful experiences of our life as a family. We have met a group of like-minded parents and friends here, who continue to play an key role in our lives. We are grateful for all Pao School has done for us and wish the school the very best for the future.

Precious Pao School Memories

Contributed by: Julie Cheng, Alumni parent 

Mother of Yichen (attended Pao School 2011-2013) and Yici (2012-2019). Yichen is currently attending SenseTime (Shanghai) and Yici has joined Concord College (UK)

Pao School has many precious memories for my family. One of which was in 2012, when founder Professor Anna Sohmen Pao invited Mr. Yang Zhenning to attend the celebration for Pao School’s fifth anniversary. For the ceremony, Professor Anna Sohmen Pao wanted to find two children to offer flowers to Mr. Yang. She happened to bump into my daughter, who was in Year 1 at the time, in the corridor speaking with with her classmates about her ambition to become an astronaut. When Mrs. Sohmen Pao saw her, she said, “You are just right; you are the one!” Since then, my daughter’s ambition for the future has changed several times. However, what has remained consistent is her determination to learn from those that have come before us. We will always treasure the photo of her with Mr. Yang.

Yici presents flowers to Mr. Yang Zhenning at Pao School’s fifth anniversary celebration

In addition to this photo, we have also kept dozens of certificates that our daughter received during her primary education. Some of them are for awards she won in competitions, some are to mark her progress in various subjects, and some recognise her sense of responsibility. She also has yearbooks for each of the years she attended Pao School, which show the highlights of each academic year as well as group photos of the whole class of students and teachers. If we look at the yearbook for each year, we see the children gradually mature, their tender young faces slowly transforming into those of young adults. My daughter also has kept the school newspapers the children produced when they served as editors in primary school, as well as an anthology of articles published when they were in middle school. There is even a set of school uniforms we have kept and will show to my grandchildren. Maybe they will be able to use them when they enter Pao School in the future.

Yici at the Primary School over the years

I have also saved a few items from Pao School as souvenirs: one is the rainbow scarf, which was designed and produced by the school’s parents. Every time I see it, I think of a group of enthusiastic parents. I also have in my possession several volunteer certificates and trophies given by Pao School; and a handy and attractive white canvas bag with the school logo printed on it, a green tree from which three fruits are hanging. I used to take this bag with me when I prepared lessons for my work in the Story Moms group. Now when I see it, I also think of the days when I was on the Primary School campus on Wuding West Road. At that time, the children were still so young, and we parents were too, in a way.

The Story Moms prepare for a performance at the Primary School

At Pao School, I have met many outstanding parents and children, which makes me feel that that education should be seen as a lifelong journey. During my time as a parent with the school, I have made some important self-improvements: I have gradually learned to be less anxious and complain less, and treat myself and my children fairly. 

Of particular note is that our lifestyle has changed for the better since Pao School became part of our lives. I didn't like sports before, but after coming to Pao School that changed. Under the leadership of Hunter and other parents from the first class, my husband and son participated in RAW's long-distance cycling activity for the first time in March 2012. As they cycled around Yancheng Lake, a thunderstorm broke out unexpectedly. Though they were completely drenched, they kept on going; nobody gave up. My husband returned to the hotel that night with a leg cramp, but since then he has become an integral member of RAW. In the past decade, he has joined the club’s secretariat, accompanied the children to climb mountains and cycle around islands, and traveled to countless places. Now our whole family enjoys outdoor activities, such as hiking and cycling, and we are more healthy both mentally and physically.

Philip Sohmen issues certificates to children who have completed the "Journey of Growth"

Mr. Yan and his son Yichen participate in RAW's long-distance ride for the first time to celebrate the club’s one-year anniversary

Philip Sohmen and Principal Crick Chen take a group photo with RAW members

A Gift from the First Graduating Class

Contributed by: Julia Liu, Alumni parent 

Mother of Ashley and Crystal (both attended Pao School 2007-2017)

On December 18, 2017, the last school-wide gathering of the year, I presented gifts to the school on behalf of the first cohort of graduates and their parents. One such gift, Water Droplets Pierce Stone, was a work of art created by the Class of 2018. The work of art is located in the corridor on the second floor of the indoor stadium and music classroom on Songjiang campus.

The meaning of "Water Droplets Pierce Stone": 

A single drop of water that falls on a stone does not cause any change, but many droplets of water that repeatedly fall on the same place can eventually wear down the stone.  As individuals, we can draw inspiration from it: monumental changes do not happen overnight, but rather over a long period of sustainable and uninterrupted development. They result from a sense of foresight, perseverance, and a clear vision. 


The first cohort of graduates designed and produced "Water Droplets Pierce Stone" as a gift to Pao School. In the end, student Jonas took on the responsibility for the project. He invested a lot of time and resources to create artwork that expressed the best wishes of the first cohort of graduates and their parents! The production and installation costs of "Water Droplets Pierce Stone" were raised by parents and alumni parents. As a show of gratitude and to thank Jonas for spearheading the project, the graduation preparation team offered him a design fee. However, Jonas decided to donate the entire fee to the Pao School Foundation. In addition, the artwork information card for the piece was produced by school supplier Mr. Xiang, who also donated his fee to the Pao School Foundation.

Don’t rely on your teachers and classmates to help you find the way. Situations change too fast, and the path taken two years ago may no longer exist today. A better idea is to try and figure out the way for yourself. The one thing that everyone must keep in mind is that there is no easy shortcut here. It is inevitable that in reaching your destination, you will have to take some long detours, but look on the bright side: This will teach you how to do things more efficiently in the future. You will learn from your mistakes and even have a good story or two to tell. Second, if I really want to give some advice, I will say to not stop challenging yourself, find a seemingly impossible goal, and work hard to achieve it. In the process you will learn new skills and be more inspiring to those around you. More importantly, once you set a higher standard for yourself, you will be much more successful in academics, sports, and life. 

——A message from Jonas, the designer and project leader for "Water Droplets Pierce Stone", to his junior classmates